Faith Life Lessons

But Why Not?

The house on land. 

The ability for kids who can cook.

Self sufficiency that comes with older kids.

A best friend.

Healing longed for in broken relationships.  

The list can go on. How many things have a looked forward to or simply longed for? How much mental energy have I spent focusing on those things?

I feel frustrated when life doesn’t seem to go my way or when I desire something different. Why can’t we move? Why does someone a.l.w.a.y.s. need s.o.m.e.t.h.i.n.g? Didn’t I just feed you people 20 minutes ago? Why do I always have to pursue deep friendship, can’t it pursue me for once? Why can’t they acknowledge their hurts and address them and heal?

All the while I lose the present. I lose my contentment. I miss the beautiful, although crazy and exhausting, life I get to live now. I get caught up in the “why’s”, the “what if’s” and the “but when’s”. 

The reality is I have been given my answers to the countless questions that roll through my head each day. I just haven’t been given the answers I have longed for. So what does that mean? I think it means I’m not ready for those things yet I must first learn to love and be content where I am. To learn how to trust HIS timing not mine. He has proven over and over again his timing and ways are always better.  


The house on land. Not yet. 

The ability for my kids to make dinner for me. You need to be patient it will come. 

The self sufficiency that comes with older kids. Here’s a taster, but you’re not there yet. 

A best friend. Nope, not her or her. Be patient. Love me first. I’m a friend who always understands and never hurts. 

Healing longed for in broken relationships. It’s my timing not yours. You may never know my ways. 

Kim be CONTENT where you ARE and love the life you’ve been given NOW. 

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